Illustration Artists Showcase and Inspiration – Part 1

I have a great interest in illustration and I am always looking for inspiration and new ideas and techniques that I could try and integrate in to my designs, looking at some of these illustrations you can see what makes them, whether it be blurring shapes, adding a light source or using photos in your illustrations it all has an effect on the final piece.

This collection is mixture of more traditional illustration to photography and illustration, when I look at illustrations like this I always think about how there made, such as paint splatters did the designer take a can of spray scan it in and manipulate it, stuff like that can add a whole new dimension to the illustration.

Take a look at this web site to see some beautiful designs Cool Showcase.

I have added some of the more well known illustrators in to the list to show there work with other not so well know illustrators…its all good and there all very talented.

Other Blog illustration collections

So you want to see more illustrations well check out some of the other collections that people have made

Interesting reading material and Tutorials

What to know more or brush up on some skills to help create amazing illustrations check out some of the resources below

Computer arts magazine illustration tutorials

Computer arts magazine is one of the best sources for keeping up to date with skills check out some of there useful tutorials>

  • Anatomy illustrated – The essential concepts of medical illustration. The fundamentals of digital pen and ink techniques in Illustrator
  • Draw a fantasy figure – Melissa Somerville uses drawing and inking techniques in Photoshop to create an enchanting anime-style fairy
  • Colour your fantasy figures – Refine your Photoshop tool skills to colour your characters and situate them in magical fantasy environments
  • Combining photography with hand-rendering – Create richer images by blending drawing, painting and fashion photography. Alexis West describes some invaluable techniques
  • Create Striking Portraits
  • Expressive lighting effects – Lighting effects are an effective way to add a detailed illustrative touch to a photo. Justin Maller demonstrates how to go about combining several lighting techniques
  • Vivid colour effects – Photoshop wizard Jort Braam combines abstract images with black and white photography, using gradients, blurs and Blending Modes to create a stunning composited image that’s bursting with colour and movement
  • The secrets of illustration – This month, 3D World’s panel of experts provides tips to help you produce 3D illustrations quicker and more flexibly: from the use of stock assets to vital Photoshop tricks

Off Topic – Design Competitions and Prizes

There are a few interesting things happening with in the design blogging community so why not show your support by checking some of them out.

  1. Styletime Blog action day contest win some great design prizes by donating at least 1$ that will be given to the charity for poverty.
  2. Myinkblog is holding a great Big Typography poster competition with some great prizes so get your design head on for that one ill see you there.

Published by

Max Stanworth

I am the creator and editor of Design Shard, I created this blog to post my inspirations, work and free resources. I hope you find them as interesting and useful as I do. By day I am a UX focused product designer.

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