Giveaway: 3 Developer WordPress Theme Accounts from Elegant Themes


Elegant Themes has very kindly given us 3 Developer WordPress Theme accounts to giveaway as they have just released their newest and fullest theme Divi 2.0 – If you know about Divi 1.0 you’ll know that this theme is packed with features and possibilities.

Theme Demo

Take Divi 2.0 for a spin and see what it can do

[button link=”” size=”large” text_size=”beta” newtab=”on”]Divi 2.0 Theme demo[/button]

How to enter

Leave a comment below telling us what you would do if you had one of 3 developer wordPress accounts from Elegant Themes?


26 Gorgeous Websites Powered by WordPress

Rogue Dolls

With a calming air and nice arrangement, this blog is surely a place where you will get pleasure from it.

Myself DSK

A site that puts a great problem in front of you without destroying the mood around it, creating a great space for thinking on the problem.


An original portfolio that presents the old things in a new and unusual way, delivering at the same time his message easily.

Purple Pixel Studio

Simple, yet with style, this site groups all the information on it in a readable way, accomplishing the visitor’s wish.

Why Interactive

Impressive and unusual, this site finds out a new way to entertain it’s visitors while they learn more about them.

Haunted Cat House

A lively and expressive website that attracts its visitors with this unique and beautiful layout and illustrations.

Feature Me

A portfolio that keeps on its main creation, without trashing the visitor’s head with a lot of text.

This website has a great look and creates a serious mood that is best for assimilating it’s info.

Moods of Norway

An original and interactive site that motivates the visitors to become a fan of it in order to unlock a new adorable song!

Get Ship Rocked

Get Ship Rocket

A stunning site that creates an appropriate mood for travelling and parties, impressing with it’s beautiful background and feeling.

Andres Gallo

A very interesting site that “points” the most useful things for you, creating a feeling of the author’s presence.

Marco Deliso

A beautiful and original website that uses a combination of green colours to create a powerful contrast that underlines the most important things

Graystone Inc

By providing the visitor a interesting way of browsing through the website, this site is a way of combining the boring info with funny actions.

Gardener & Marks

A mainly monochromatic website, but thanks of it’s amazing way of presenting the information it surely can be named one of the best.


Here you are encountered by a burst of energy and feeling, having in front of you an awesome site with an amazing look.

Franchise Studios Inc

A site that points out to its visitor a new and fresh look over the design process, attracting and keeping him interested.

Joshua One Six

A nice-looking website that puts all the useful info in front of you, helping in a better understanding of its message.

Creative Board

Inspiring website that uses a free and easy way to communicate with its visitors, having an attractive and happy look.

Sandalias XTR

Having a background that inserts the visitor in a new and appropriate mood for understanding a lot easier the information, the website looks nice and creates a great feeling.

Night Owl Interactive

Simple structured and having a short text that makes the visitor to understand what’s the deal with this site.

Real Web Design

With a interesting idea and nice look, this website is a beautiful creation combined with a handy way of presenting the information.

Identity With Held

A friendly site that has a original theme, impressing it’s visitors and making them understand their real power in design.

Shady Mcgrady‘s

Simulating a bar, this website induces it’s visitors in their favourite world and helps them relaxing a bit.

Who Invented

A website that presents a lot of interesting information combined with a interesting look to create a exceptional mood great for new inventions!

Essaouira Pub

Having a slight air of old times, this site makes a beautiful feeling for those who are visiting it.

Hash One – A premium wordpress theme giveaway by Obox Comment to Win

Im glad that Design Shard has got its hands on one of the great theme releases by the guys at from-the-couch who are also the same people at obox design , its pack with cool admin extras and a vibrant design. read below to see what its all about and how to win a copy.


‘Hash One’ is the first theme to come out of the Obox Signature Series. This theme is aimed at those who want their personal blog to stand out well above the rest with a unique design which has a subtle, stylish impact on your visitors.

Sticking with the Obox Design style we have implemented all the elements which we have mentioned in our blog and video show. This includes the ‘Gina Effect’, The Ten Pixel Method, and correct margins & padding.

Along with an awesome design for your WordPress blog, Hash One also includes video features. The home page will incorporate your five latest videos which uses slick jQuery effects to switch between each show.


  • Customizable homepage
  • Customizable Menu Structure
  • Custom and/or 3rd Party Advert Management
  • Threaded Comments
  • Featured Video Capabilities
  • Social links (Flickr and Twitter)
  • Social bookmarking and post promotion (digg, tweetmeme etc.)
  • Insert your Google analytics code
  • Widgetized Sidebar


By entering this competition you will stand a chance to win 1 copy of the Hash One wordpress theme which is only limited to only 40 copies ( 35 given away on from-the-couch and 5 copies to be given away on selected blogs inc design shard ). Simply follow the steps below in order to participate:

  1. Leave a comment, ( express what you like about the theme , any thing you want )
  2. Remember to put a valid email address in the comment field so you can be contacted if you win
  3. Feel free to tweet and retweet about this great theme.

And there you have it, you have officially entered the competition! Good Luck! Winners will be selected through a random draw!!

Please note closing date of this competition is Friday, April the 3rd 2009



Hash One Screen

If you want to see more of this theme then go over to from-the-couch blog and check out the screen shots.


While this theme is free, we will not support any issues which arise due to code/design/css customization. The intention of this series is that it is a limited edition, premium WordPress theme which is exclusive to the winners of this competition, please do not replicate or redistribute this themes design. This theme does not support Internet Explorer 6 and does not come with the original PSD files.

Highlight WordPress Category when on a Single Post: Tutorial

While making the redesign for this blog I wanted to highlight the category in the navigation when browsing the specified category as well as keeping it highlighted when on the a single post added to that category ( you’ll notice that the navigation is highlighted if your on this page ).

I searched high and low and eventually found a simple plug-in, by adding a small piece of code to the plug-in I could achieve this, follow the steps below and you should beable to get your categories highlighted too when on a single post.

What we want to Achieve:

Add a Home page link to the navigation and highlight current page.

Highlight the current category

Highlight the current category even when on single post

Step 1: Download The Plug-in

Download the plug-in: Here (zip) From: Screenshine

Step 2: Uploading and Editing the Plug-in

1. Upload the plug-in to your WordPress plug-ins folder.

2. Go to your WordPress admin panel “Plugins” and “Activate” the plug-in

3. Look at your “Currently Active plugins” and click “Edit” for the “Show Active Category plugin”

4. Scroll down past the copyright information until you find this line of code

if( is_single()) {

change that line of code to look like this

if( is_single() || is_category() ) {

Click “Update file” to save the changes

Step 3: CSS for Highlighting Current Category

Go to your theme CSS file normally called “style.css” and add this line of code below.


NOTE: you can style this how you want it will style the current category and the category when on a single post using the plug-in.

Step 4: CSS for Highlighting Current Page

To highlight your “pages” all you have to do is add this line of code to your CSS file, This css class is actually built in to WordPress


NOTE: you can style this how you want it will style the current page

Step 5: Add a Home Page Link

You can have a home page link in your navigation take a look at what i have, This hard codes a “Home” link in to your navigation and adds the class “current_page_item” when on your index page, this is styled with css as in Step 4

<div id="nav">
<li <?php if (is_home()){echo ‘class="current_page_item"’;}?>><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/">Home</a></li>

All Code For The Navigation

So this is a summary of what we’ve done, if you’ve uploaded the plug-in, activated it and edited the code, you can test the code below, copy and paste

Put this in your style.css


Put this in your header.php

<div id="nav">
<li <?php if (is_home()){echo ‘class="current_page_item"’;}?>><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/">Home</a></li>
<p><?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?><?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name’); ?>

All this code adds the home page link, all your pages and then all your categories to your navigation, if you’ve added the CSS styles to you Style sheet these things should be highlighted when on the current page, category and single category post.


So hopefully you’ll find this useful, let me know if you get it working or get stuck in the comments below ill try my best to help you but obviously i cant help you with the plug-in as I did not make it.